Project Monitoring & Control Audit

Project Start and Execution

  • Verification of Budgeting, Cost to Company and other data elaborating cost of the project;
  • Comparison of budgeted cost with actual cost in terms of quantitative and qualitative data and reporting of reasons of the same;
  • Work Performance Comparison of Budgets with Actual and delayed cost analysis if required.

Material Procurement

  • Identifying, Implementing and Improving Internal Controls for procurement of materials;
  • Checks implemented before and at the time of unloading of materials;
  • Fixes responsibility and authority for the material inward transactions;
  • Whether detailed SOP is followed in spirit at the site or not and what are the various deviations from the SOP;
  • Impact of the deviations and strategy to overcome those deviations.


  • Identifying key areas in relation to sub- contractors, like appointment, work execution chart and payment details etc.;
  • Identify deviations and improvement from the SOP of the same;
  • Emphasis to track the trails of transactions and follow the agreement conditions in true spirit at the sites;
  • Device strategy to implement control on sub-contractor payments, within the parameters of operation so as not to hinder the objective of business.

Sub-Contractor Reconciliation

  • Verification job assigned to the sub-contractor with actual job done by sub-contractor;
  • Mechanism of sub-contractor appointment with allocation of jobs;
  • Approval mechanism of Sub contractor from client if any;
  • Comparison of quantitative data of sub-contractor with work execution chart or client bill;
  • Approval mechanism of deviations from the agreed job and rates if any.

Material Reconciliation and Physical Inspection

  • Reconciliation of specific Materials with the design and drawings;
  • Identify the deviations between theoretical consumption vis-à-vis actual consumption;
  • Identify probable areas and reasons where deviations occurred.


  • Others include similar controls for SHUTTERING, EMPLOYEES PAYMENTS, DIESEL, PLANT AND MACHINERY etc.